6 Ways Promotional Products Benefit Businesses

Overview: Learn how promotional products are still one of the easiest marketing tactics to benefit businesses  

Businesses have been using promotional products as a way to get their name out there since the beginning of marketing time. Even with the shift from in-person to digital marketing, promotional products still prove to be beneficial.

One source says that your brand identity isn’t just your logo; that’s just part of the large umbrella called branding.

“If you want to create a unique brand identity, you need to pay attention to several branding elements […] the way you portray your products or services; your audiences experiences whenever they interact with your brand.”

>> READ MORE: 6 Secrets to Building a Strong Brand Identity (Part II)

So let’s take a look at how you can use promotional products to benefit your business’s marketing.


Generating quality leads is one of the biggest benefits for any business, as doing so can improve their ROI, and promotional products play a major role in lead generation.

These types of products have the power to convert visitors to loyal customers; basically, if the item adds value to the users, it will be used.

To do this, businesses can ensure that their promo item(s) comes with a concise call-to-action.

For example, include your contact info on the item (i.e. a mug with your website at the bottom) where prospective customers are invited to visit your site for more information. If you have a more complex item like a cool water bottle, you can redirect users to the website for info on cool ways to use their cool new water bottle.

You can read more about what this at eTurbo News here.


There are thousands of promotional items on the market — even we offer a vast selection of brands and styles for promotional items. This means you can find products that fit your business’ marketing strategy and budget.

You can get creative and choose the text, colors, and more. Plus, there are multiple ways you can use promotional products in your own business. Some great uses include customer loyalty items, employee appreciation gifts, trade show giveaways, thank you gifts, sales meeting gifts, sales incentives, holiday party gifts, and more.

Take a look at this article for more insight into using promotional items for your business.


There are few better ways to market your business than with promotional products. Some of the popularly used items that you can probably find lying around your at an arm’s length are: apparel, drinkware, smart devices, and pens.

A customer can recognize your brand instantly upon seeing your logo on an item that people use more often, thus acting as daily advertisement (and functional advertisement, at that) to the masses.

You can read more about this (and other ideas for promotional items) here.


  • 85% of people do business with the advertiser after receiving a promotional item. Promotional gifts create a more personal relationship with the brand and turn customers into ambassadors.

  • 50% of people who receive promotional products use them in their daily lives.

Promotional products bring strong client retention and loyalty to a brand. Why and how? According to C&B Marketing, “they help give the brand more personality and tangibility.”

Let’s face it, the majority of people like receiving gifts especially if it’s practical. So giving a promotional item to a loyal customer is like showing your gratitude to them for supporting your business.

What’s even better is that when people receive a gift, they typically want to return the favor/gratitude. In the world of business, this is a customer purchasing your product or service.


Besides word-of-mouth (the most affordable marketing tactic), promotional items are considered to be cost-effective compared to other popular forms of advertising, especially media, when trying to build your brand.

All marketers must consider the return on investment (ROI) of their advertising endeavors. When talking about the cost per impression (CPI), promotional products offer a larger number of impressions versus their initial cost, and this is why they are considered to have a good ROI.

Read more about how these advantages could affect your business for the better in this article.


One final thing to keep in mind is that promotional products get used all the time, making them evergreen. A branded gift is rarely a one-time thing but, rather, an evergreen thing. A mug will always be used to drink, a pen will always be used to write, and t-shirts aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

If evergreen marketing isn’t enough to make you want to get some promotional products for your business, then we’re afraid we can’t help you. However, for those interested in experiencing evergreen marketing, Pennington is only a phone call (and a few pens with your business logo) away.

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